Here’s a picture I ran across years ago comparing to very different bodies. I can’t verify it’s authenticity but it is striking nonetheless. I’d recommend you invest in a good diet/exercise program and get healthy (or preserve your existing health).
Fat Loss: information on diet and exercise regimens that will help you lose weight and get lean.
Here’s a picture I ran across years ago comparing to very different bodies. I can’t verify it’s authenticity but it is striking nonetheless. I’d recommend you invest in a good diet/exercise program and get healthy (or preserve your existing health).
I’ve had the chance to look over a new program from the folks at Critical Bench called 40 Strong. This one is of special interest to me since I am now over 40 years old (I hit the big 4-0 a few years ago). Here’s my review:
Let’s face it, a lot of guys in their 40’s (and older) are completely out of shape. This can happen for several reasons:
*Other things take priority over planning exercise and training.
*The aging process is accelerated by bad habits (an unhealthy lifestyles).
*Testosterone levels can plummet if the natural decline is further accelerated by obesity, poor diet, etc.
*The “mid-life crisis”–men feel like their life is not where it should be.
You get the idea. Needless to say, a workout/diet program cannot solve all of these issues. But it may be a starting point for those who want to improve their fitness level and overall quality of life. And a well-designed program can also help those who have been consistently training but want to mix things up a little in light of new priorities and goals.
This is where 40 Strong comes in. The authors have designed it to be something that can be incorporated into the “typical” life of a man with a career, family, and all the other responsibilities that life brings. I’ll give you a little information on the training and nutrition philosophy behind this program:
Nutrition: I’ve noticed that as I get older I’m a lot more sensitive to the foods I eat. In other words, I can quickly feel the difference between a few days of eating healthy food vs a day or two of junk. The nutrition parameter gives you some general guidance for choosing healthy foods.
Training: The exercise component of 40 Strong is designed with more mature trainees in mind. It incorporates cardiovascular training (steady-state cardio as well as circuit type training), stretching/mobility, and strength/hypertrophy training. One nice thing is the exercise descriptions link directly to a YouTube video–you can watch and see exercise (or exercises) demonstrated. The workouts get longer and/or more intense as you progress through eight weeks.
Let me give you some ideas on the type of man that 40 Strong would be most beneficial for:
*Men in their 40’s who have neglected their health and want to start getting back into shape (losing fat, building muscle, becoming more flexible, etc).
*Older/experienced trainees who simply need a change of routine. Guys who have been weight training for years, for example, may need to spend some time on cardiovascular training an mobility.
*Men who need to focus on diet and fat loss while maintaining their muscle/strength. I see a lot of older guys who train but are just too fat. They would look (and probably feel) better if they focused some of their efforts on getting leaner.
If this sounds like you I think you could benefit from this program. You could spend 8 weeks on it then move on to something that is a little more advanced or specialized.
Just CLICK HERE if you’re interested in trying 40 Strong.