Exercise Ball

I’ve previously mentioned the Ab Wheel, a dirt cheap but effective way to train the abdominal muscles.

There’s another cost effective piece of equipment you can buy and use at home: an exercise ball.  They are versatile, inexpensive and great for training the abs–you can lean back on it and get a great stretch.

I’ve included a link to one that is rated highly on Amazon.com (see below), but you may want to just go to your local retail store and look around. You may also want to check out size recommendations–the one I have linked below is 75cm, but a shorter person may do better with a 65cm (or smaller).

Note: Remember that visible abs come from low body fat, not abdominal training.

The Ab Wheel

I spend a lot of time criticizing those crummy ab machines.

But what If I told you there was an very effective, simple, dirt cheap piece of equipment you could buy?  Well, there is–the ab wheel.

Got ten bucks (or less)?  Then order one and try it out.  You can click the image to buy one at Amazon, but any store/brand will do.

By the way, here’s one of the best videos I found so far demonstrating the proper use.