Body Transformation: Kim Sanders (Kimpossible Fitness)

It’s time for another inspirational body transformation interview–Kim Sanders.  This mother of two went from being overweight and out of shape to being a fitness competitor and personal trainer.  I was really stunned with her before/after pictures and I wanted to hear her story.

Body Transformation: Kim Sanders
Body Transformation: Kim Sanders

MuscleReview: Kim, I’d first like to thank you for taking the time to do this interview. Why don’t you tell my readers a little bit about your everyday life (family, work, location, etc).

Kim: My life is VERY hectic! Most days I don’t know how I manage to get everything done.  I wake up every morning, see my kids sleeping and think to myself, “Oh my god they are still alive!” (laughs).

Because I work as a personal trainer my daily schedule changes constantly. Clients call and cancel, reschedule, kids throw tantrums etc. Each day, regardless of what struggles head my way, I have to complete 45 minutes of cardio, train myself, train clients, spend quality time with my kids, cook, clean, do laundry, write online client’s programs etc. Pretty soon I will be starting school as well, so I don’t have a free moment to waste!

My children can be very difficult. My oldest son can be VERY emotional at times…which is always fun! My youngest has special needs and everyday proves to be a new challenge. I love them dearly and its because I love them that I cannot give up on my goals. I want them to see how hard I work to make my dream come true.  That way they will have have big dreams and be prepared to fight just as hard!

MuscleReview: Let’s talk about the “before” picture. What events and/or choices led you there?

Kim: Growing up my family ate fast food constantly–sometimes I tell people my family kept Taco Bell in business. Soda replaced water and the only veggies we seemed to eat were every color except green! Because we were low income my sisters and I could not play sports or get into most of the activities kids get to do.  I was actually a skinny kid growing up, but the bad habits eventually caught up with me.

All through both pregnancies I ate 4-5 items off the Taco Bell menu EVERYDAY! In addition to not being active my health got worse and worse. I became deathly ill and even temporarily lost my ability to walk due to illness.  All these factors lead to me looking like that “before” picture.  It wasn’t until I had completely destroyed my gallbladder and had to have emergency surgery that I was able to push myself to change.

MuscleReview: What was it that made you decide to transform your figure?

I couldn’t stand seeing so many fit people around me who were so much happier and healthier. I would get out of breath walking to my car!! I missed the energy I had a teenager. I picked up Oxygen Magazine and instantly was inspired by the stories inside about women who had lost weight and went on to be fitness models. I knew if they could do it…I could do it.

MuscleReview: Did you hit any weight loss plateaus along the way? What adjustments did you have to make?

Kim: It took me about 2 and a half years to get into competition shape. It felt like forever! I had tons of set backs and most days I didn’t think I would ever make it. I kept pushing on because I knew if I stopped Id regret it for the rest of my life.

Overall I lost 106 lbs. Obviously I have put some of it back on and have gained more muscle. I am always working to improve!

MuscleReview: What was the most challenging part of your transformation?

Kim: Learning to balance kids, work, school, and training. Its very difficult trying to excel in every aspect of my life.  Some days I don’t do well, but I never stop trying and I figure that is what truly matters.

MuscleReview: Did you hit any plateaus along the way? How did you handle it?

Kim: Oh heck ya I did! Heck, I’m in one now (laughs)! I’ve learned that plateaus are caused by a number of things. I always look to change my diet first. If that doesn’t seem to work I will change up my workouts as well. I also add or reduce cardio, depending on what kind of results I’m getting.

In my current plateau I have explored all of those options and am now looking to have my blood checked to make sure my last contest prep didn’t mess anything up. We shall see.

MuscleReview: Can you give us general idea of what your training and diet look like?

Kim: I train 7 days a week at the moment. I only take a rest day when I feel my body is asking for one.  Two days a week I focus on HIIT. The other 5 days I focus on low intensity or interval cardio with weights. I keep my rep ranges between 8 and 12 on all compound movements and 15-30 on other exercises.

My diet consists of lean proteins (chicken, fish, bison), green veggies (green beans, asparagus), and complex carbohydrates (sweet potato, rice).

MuscleReview: How different is your competition shape to your day-to-day shape?

Roughly I plan to be 20 lbs less when contest ready. I intend to get down to 10-12% body fat.

MuscleReview: When is your next competition?

August 23rd!!! Las Vegas! Wooohooo! Wish me luck!

MuscleReview: What advice do you have for moms who want to get back in shape?

Kim: Don’t allow kids, and crazy schedules to get in the way! Get creative and find ways to involve your kids in your fitness! Most of all…DONT STOP!!

MuscleReview: Thanks again, Kim, and I wish you great success on your future competitions (especially this next one).

Note:  Ladies who are interested in their own transformations may want to check out my recommended programs and find one that matches your situation and goals.

Please stop by Kimpossible Fitness Training (Kim’s Facebook page).  Those of you living in the Phoenix Arizona area may want to contact her regarding personal training.

Body Transformation: Randy “Fit for Faith” Dodge

Randy Dodge is another one of those inspiring people I’ve been able to meet through my fitness blogging network.  His transformation is truly impressive as you can see pictured below.  I’ve also been impressed with the way he integrates the physical, spiritual, and emotional through his Christian faith.  Check out this interview:

Randy’s Transformation (left to right): August/2008, July/2010, July/2011, April/2012

MuscleReview: Randy, I’d first like to thank you for taking the time to do this interview. Could you tell my readers a little bit of general information about yourself (where you are from, family, education, etc.)?
You are welcome. I was born and raised in Maine, raised in a rural setting by single mom with 2 older sisters and a younger brother. I married at 22 (1986) and had two children but my wife divorced me after 16 years (2002).  I raised the two children myself from the age of 7 and 9.  I lived in Maine until 2001, then Florida for a year, then Virginia for 8 years and now in Florida again. I have an associate degree as a physical therapist assistant (1997) and a Bachelors of Science in Biblical studies (2007).

I currently work as a personal trainer running my own business “Lifestyle Fitness Personal Training” with my business name “Fit For Faith.” Lifestyle fits better as it is all about balance in body, soul (mind, emotions, and will I/e decision maker) and spirit.

MuscleReview: Now let’s talk about your transformation. What was it that motivated you to change your lifestyle and physique?

Randy: I stayed single for seven years, focusing on my children, finishing college, and working full time.  I neglected myself and got really out of shape during this time. I was doing short term mission trips to China and met a woman professing to be a Christian interested in doing cross cultural ministry.  We married in Beijing, but she changed as soon as she got to America.  I immediately realized I had made a mistake–she had used me in order to become an American citizen.  Then the true nightmare began: lies to cover an affair she was having and the scheming to become a citizen apart from marriage to me.

A nasty battle followed, but rather than become bitter I decided to be constructive with all the negative energy coming at me.  I decided to push myself physically to reach my full potential without neglecting the spiritual (at times I have to confess to my shame I have turned from my Savior and tried doing things my way). At first I just wanted to be completely healthy, physically, emotionally and spiritually.  But as I improved physically I dealt with a lot of emotional baggage that had crept in my life.  This made made me better spiritually.

Now my quest is to be my very best physically, emotionally and spiritually while giving the others the same grace to do the same.  I wan to encourage everyone I can while they are on their own journeys.

MuscleReview: I noticed the most significant changes happened somewhere between 2008 and 2010. How long did this transformation take?

Randy: The original transformation took 20 weeks.  I was cleaning out the house of personal stuff of my pending ex-wife and I saw a picture from the summer before on the beach (the before picture above: 240 lb. with a 38” waist and 46” belly).  That bothered me, and I began my quest to see abs at least once in my life on July 1, 2009. I set a date in November to have a professional photo shoot and the transformation began.

MuscleReview: What was the most difficult thing for you to change?

Randy: I already ate mostly healthy foods, in fact a lot of organic foods and took good vitamins and supplements for health.  The hardest part was eating 6 small meals that were balanced with lean proteins, complex carbs and healthy added fats. Then as I did more research I realized I had to give up all dairy and fruit to get into single digit body fat.  That was the toughest since I love dairy, skim milk, cheese, and ice cream especially.

MuscleReview: Please tell us in general terms about your diet and exercise program.

My diet seldom changes, though I am always doing research and add healthy foods.  I keep it basic: lean meats (not much red meat anymore), complex carbs, and healthy added fats, minimal amounts of fruit but not daily (none when I am trying to drop body fat).  I rarely consume dairy products–only an occasional treat when I’m not trying to drop body fat.

I have a large bowl of salad every night with a vinaigrette.  I make two 8 quart bowls every weekend with broccoli, spinach, kale, red onion, cucumber, celery, bell peppers (red, yellow, orange and green).

I do one to two cheat meals a week when I am not getting ready for a photo shoot or contest as long as my body fat is in the single digits 8% or less.

Typically I work out 5-6 days a week with weights. I do something for abs 2-3 times a week high reps light or no weight, and I do 30-60 minutes of cardio a day after weight training

MuscleReview: Have you encountered any setbacks like injuries or fat loss plateaus? How did you deal with them?

Randy: A few minor injuries not related to the gym but working as a physical therapist assistant doing home health.  I have strained my back and had bicep tendinitis from catching heavy patients falling. I worked around the injuries treating them with the knowledge I have as a therapist.

I also had some emotional ups and downs as a result of two women I dated since 2001. This led to some comfort eating, lost motivation and weight gain.

MuscleReview: One thing I really appreciate is the way you integrate your Christian faith with fitness. Please talk about how the two are connected in your life.

I realized God was doing something special in my physical transformation.  Before I started I visited a wellness doctor.  I had multiple problems: I was a metabolic mess, leaky gut, chronic fatigue syndrome, high estrogen, low testosterone, hypothyroidism, and mercury poisoning just to name a few.  I give God the glory for my transformation because overcoming all these health issues should have been impossible.

Here are some Bible verses that are meaningful to me as far as health goes:

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”
1 Corinthians 10:31

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

The body is temporal, but it is the place God dwells on earth and it is also the first impression we give to others.   The better health we have the more we can do for God physically. I saw so many patients (the majority were Christian) in home health who were home bound with bad health basically from lack of exercise and poor dietary habits and I knew that is not the way God wants us to live. I got inspired to help others regain their health to glorify God after I got mine back.

I learned personally as well as working with others that being unfit affects our emotions, just as food and medications do.  What affects the body and emotions also affects the mind, clouds our will, and affects our spiritual walk.

MuscleReview: I understand you’re journey has led you to a career in personal training. How is that going?

God allowed me the blessing of being highlighted in Flex Magazine for my transformation in August 2010.  They did not edit/remove any of my references to God.   God gave me a strong impression March 1, 2010 to start a business taking care of the body, soul (mind, will and emotions) and spirit as they all interact with each other but I did not do anything about it accept write it down in my journal.   On March 17, 2012 God impressed upon me again a desire to get into fitness with my faith and I wrote a poem:

“I will stay where you put me Lord.”

I will stay in fitness Lord since you put me here.
My brothers and sisters may shun me some for which I have shed many a tear.
But I will stay where you put me Lord so you can use me there.
I will stay in fitness Lord since you put me here.
The temptations may pull at me but with my Jesus I have no fear!
But I will stay where you put me Lord to help others in need of care.
I will stay in fitness Lord since you put me here.
The darkness may surround me some and try to quench my light.
But I will stay where you put me Lord for it is in your strength I fight.
I will stay in fitness Lord since you put me here.
The trials may assail me here to try to take away my peace
But I will stay where you put me Lord for in you I find a sweet release.
I will stay in fitness Lord since you put me there.
The scorn of others attacking me for sharing your love through fitness is hard to take.
But I will stay where you put me Lord for you endured so much for our sake.
I will stay in fitness Lord since you put me here.
For in two worlds, faith and fitness, I must stand.
But I will stay where you put me Lord for you will hold my hand.

Finally things got so bad financially in Virginia I decided to move to Florida to be near family again and start my business in June of 2012 and officially launched, “Fit For Faith” in August. The business started really slow and is seasonal to some degree. The slowest season is June to September and the busiest is October through May. It is building as my local network of clients grow.

What else are you up to? Are you pursuing any type of competition?

Randy: My last competition was July of 2010.  I had not planned on competing again though I have done 2 photo shoots since and have another one planned in July. I decided to compete again in bodybuilding August 25 and possibly another September 22 but I am looking at possibly switching to physique competitions in the future.

MuscleReview: Thanks again for taking the time to inspire my readers with your journey!

You are welcome.
God Bless

Note: You can contact Randy through is Facebook page.  He is currently accepting clients, so those living in or near Vero Beach Florida may want to consider hiring him or referring him to your friends.