Best Way to Build Muscle

The Deadiift
The Deadlift


Every once in a while I feel the need to write a “back to the basics” kind of article–something that will help beginner trainees who may happen to visit this blog for the first time.  Let’s talk about the best way to build muscle.  Here are some basic tips that you’ll see repeated time and again by coaches and trainers who know their stuff:

*Learn to deadlift.  This is probably the all-around best mass building exercise there is.  Lifting something off the floor trains muscles literally from the feet all the way up to the neck: calves, thighs, back, etc.

*Build your routine around basic, compound lifts: deadlift, squat, front squat, bench press, military press, dips, etc.  The most important key to building muscle is getting stronger in these exercises.  Isolation exercises like curls are OK, but your foundation of size and strength will be built upon the basic lifts I’ve mentioned.  You’ll find that most bodybuilders (especially the old-school guys) were incredibly strong.

*Stick with the 5-8 rep range.  You can experiment with higher reps once you have a little more training experience and learn the proper form.  But I believe beginners will do better starting off with only 5-8 reps per set.  You’ll still be learning proper form if you are new to training and you are more likely to get injured if you try to go with higher reps.

*Eat a nutrient dense diet with adequate calories.  You hear people talking about “eat big to get big.”  But going overboard on calories is a good way to get fat.   Just shoot for a slight calorie deficit (something over 15 calories per lb. of body weight per day).

There is an exception to this rule: if you are really skinny and/or young (a teenager) you may have to go really high on calories.  Some teenagers have really fast metabolisms and may have to eat a lot more in order to gain muscle.  Just keep in mind you probably won’t be able to eat this way the rest of your life.

Around .75 to 1 gram of protein per lb. of body weight will be enough to gain muscle (some will claim you need a lot more, but the evidence just isn’t there).  Go with quality protein sources like eggs, milk, chicken, fish, etc.

I’ll mention something else here.  I’m a big believer in intermittent fasting for losing fat and staying lean.  But I would not advise it for those trying to put on their first 15-20 lb of muscle.  It makes a lot more sense to eat at least 3-4 meals a day if you are really going to focus on gaining weight.

*Go minimalist with your supplements.  Creatine monohydrate, protein powder, a multivitamin, and fish oil–that’s it (I’ve explained this in Supplements That Work–check out the link on the top of this for more info).  Don’t waste time and money trying to find the latest “breakthrough” supplement–that’s a good way to go broke with no muscle to show for it. Focus instead on your training and nutrition.

*Train 3-4 times a week.  A new trainee should do fine with three to four sessions of about 45 minutes to one hour a week.  That’s enough time to do a simple routine with two or three of these before-mentioned basic exercises.   You can experiment with longer, higher volume training sessions once you become a more advanced lifter.  But beginners should keep things simple and short.


These are a few of the basic steps for building muscle. The specifics may vary, but most solid programs will include these steps.


Cholesterol in Eggs

Good for Cholesterol Levels?
Good for Cholesterol Levels?

A while back I wrote about lowering my cholesterol without statins.  One thing I wasn’t sure about was my habit of eating eggs almost every day.  My first meal (usually around noon or so) usually consists only of one or two eggs–all protein/fat and no carbohydrates.  This is part of the Renegade Diet strategy for optimizing fat burning hormones and energy levels throughout the day.

Here’s the concern I had: a large egg has around 185 milligrams of cholesterol or more, which is about 2/3 the recommended daily intake of cholesterol.  Whole eggs were once considered unhealthy because of this, but there’s also a significant number of studies showing no real connection between egg consumption and heart disease.

The consumption of whole eggs is controversial to say the least.  Researchers from the Canadian Journal of Cardiology (2010) have expressed concerns that the public has been lulled into a false sense of safety regarding dietary cholesterol: “The evidence presented in the current review suggests that the widespread perception among the public and health care professionals that dietary cholesterol is benign is misplaced, and that improved education is needed to correct this misconception.”1

But a recent study suggests consuming whole eggs can be beneficial when other aspects of one’s diet are in order.  Researchers took participants with metabolic syndrome and asked them to follow a moderately carbohydrate restricted diet (25-20% of calories coming from carbs).  Half of them consumed three whole eggs a day while the other half consumed the equivalent in yolk-free egg substitutes.  Both groups experienced improvements in blood lipid profiles (triglycerides and cholesterol levels).  But those who ate whole eggs had greater improvement in both the increase of HDL levels (the “good” cholesterol) and the decrease of VLDL levels (the most dangerous type of “bad” cholesterol).   The group that consumed whole eggs also experienced improvements in insulin levels.

Here’s something else I find fascinating in this study: I mentioned the importance of particle size when I first wrote about cholesterol  (bigger, “fluffier” particles are safer than smaller ones).  The subjects who ate eggs daily also experienced an increase in particle size in both their HDL and LDL cholesterol.2

It seems consuming whole eggs is beneficial if it is part of a dietary strategy that restricts carbohydrates.


1. Can J Cardiol. 2010 Nov;26(9):e336-9. Dietary cholesterol and egg yolks: not for patients at risk of vascular disease.

2. Metabolism. 2013 Mar;62(3):400-10. doi: 10.1016/j.metabol.2012.08.014. Epub 2012 Sep 27. Whole egg consumption improves lipoprotein profiles and insulin sensitivity to a greater extent than yolk-free egg substitute in individuals with metabolic syndrome.