Yohimbine HCL Review and Dosing Instructions

Yohimbine HCL and Stubborn Fat

I believe most of the so-called “fat burner” supplements being sold right now are completely worthless.  Yohimbine HCL is one of the few exceptions, but it only helps if the proper dosage and timing are implemented.

This supplement has been around for a while, and I remember using  herbal version of it back in the 90’s (Yohimbe).  Years later I realized I wasn’t even taking it the correct way.

Let me clarify something before I go any further:  I believe Yohimbine HCL is only of value once you’ve already become fairly lean and just need help with some of those last “stubborn” fat deposits. One of the best studies, for example, was done on professional soccer players–a group we’d expect to have relatively low body fat levels.1

How does this supplement work?  Stubborn fat areas (usually “love handles” and the lower abdomen for men; hips and thighs for women) have a much higher number of alpha-2-receptor sites when compared with “non-stubborn” areas.  The sites essentially cause the fat cells to be more resistant to releasing their stores.  Yohimbine is an alpha-2-receptor antagonist, meaning it temporarily disables these receptor sites and makes it easier to oxidize/mobilize the triglycerides  within these cells.

Circulation is another issue that comes into play with stubborn fat areas.  Antagonism of alpha-2-receptors likely increases blood flow to these cells.

To summarize, this supplement can temporarily cause “stubborn” fat cells to act like less problematic areas.  But this affect only lasts for about 30 minutes, so timing is important.


The proper dosage for yohimbine hcl is .2mg/kg (example: 20mg for a 220lb person (0.09 mg/lb of body weight).  This requires taking several capsules since it is only available in 2.5 mg tablets (I once asked Primaforce why their capsules were only 2.5 mg and they told me it was the highest dosage per capsule allowed by law).

You could take it with caffeine, which has it’s own lipolytic (fat-burning) properties.  I usually just take it with a cup of coffee.

I would not recommend yohimbe (the herbal form).  Herbal forms are just less reliable and you won’t get the desired precision in dosing.  I would also not recommend topical solutions–I sincerely doubt these are effective.

More on Timing:

Yohimbine’s effects kick in about an hour after you take it, so you’d want to use this to your advantage in terms of timing it with your training.

Here’s something else to keep in mind: insulin competes for the same before-mentioned receptor sites.  It is necessary, therefore, to take Yohimbine in a state where blood sugar is low–otherwise you are wasting the dose.  You could take it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach (a fasted state is the best option), several hours after your last meal, or while practicing lowcarb/ketogenic dieting.2

Another option would be to take it at the start of a weight training session (assuming you are not taking in some kind of glucose or amino acids while you train–either one would likely cause enough insulin release to interfere with Yohimbine).  You could take it this way then follow up your lifting with some steady state cardio (to burn the fat you have oxidized).

I usually take this supplement before fasted training, then I wait an hour or so after training to eat.  The idea is to allow the mobilized fatty acids to be used instead of being redistributed back to the fat cells.  Check out the the book I recommend at the end of this article to learn the most effective way to train for targeting stubborn fat.

Yohimbine and Ephedrine

I would not recommend taking yohimbine hcl at the same time you take the eca stack The eca stack stimulates beta-receptor sites, while  yohimbine suppresses alpha-2-receptor sites.  The problem is your heart also has both of these types of receptor sites, so taking supplements at the same time could negatively affect your heart rate and blood pressure. This is the main reason I don’t recommend using supplements that contain both ephedra and yohimbe.

For those wanting to use both in the same day I’d recommend waiting four hours after using yohimbine before taking your first dose of the eca stack.

More recommendations:

You may want to try half the before-mentioned dosage first to see how well you tolerate this supplement.

I’ve been asked about water retention when using this supplement.  It seems many users experience this, which may temporarily masks the fat loss.  Just keep in mind the water retention is temporary and should go away within a few stays of discontinuing the supplement.

Here’s a final reminder: fat loss only happens when there is a negative calorie balance.  Using this supplement is a waste of time unless you are implementing a well-designed diet and exercise program–otherwise the mobilized fatty acids will simply be re-deposited (possibly right back into the problem areas).

StubbornFatSolutionReviewI’d highly recommend you check out Lyle McDonald’s Stubborn Fat Solution if you want a more thorough explanation of what I’ve written about here.  His book goes into a lot more detail and includes an exercise protocol to “attack” stubborn fat.

You can by Yohimbine HCl 90ct (Primaforce) by clicking here.



1. Res Sports Med. 2006 Oct-Dec;14(4):289-99. Yohimbine: the effects on body composition and exercise performance in soccer players.

2. Med Hypotheses. 2002 Jun;58(6):491-5. Pre-exercise administration of yohimbine may enhance the efficacy of exercise training as a fat loss strategy by boosting lipolysis.


The ECA Stack: Ephedrine, Caffeine and Aspirin fat burner

The ECA Stack: Introduction

This is an updated form of an article I first wrote years ago.  I think you’ll find it informative, but please keep this in mind: I am not a doctor, pharmacist or medical expert.  I am not qualified to give medical advice in any shape or form.  The stack has potent stimulants that can be dangerous if abused, taken by someone who cannot tolerate it, or taken under the wrong circumstances.   


The first time I ever heard about the ECA stack was back in my college years–the early 90’s.  A new bodybuilding magazine called MuscleMedia 2000 came out around that time (published by Bill Phillips).  The writers (and the people they interviewed) actually discussed steroids in a straightforward and honest way.  I had never seen that before and found it quite refreshing (and surprising).  Most of the bodybuilding magazines I read as a teenager gave me the idea that protein shakes were the secret ingredient to 18-inch arms.  MuscleMedia 2000 was different: Someone was finally talking about the proverbial elephant in the living room.

One article mentioned a “dirt cheap” fat burner called the the ECA stack.  I went out to a GNC and asked to buy ephedrine tablets.  The lady behind the counter explained I could buy those at any nearby gas station (imagine that–buying “supplements” at your local convenience store).

I bought everything I needed within a few quick trips around town.  I tried it and I was immediately impressed.  It gave me a nice energy boost and, more importantly, annihilated my appetite.  I also noticed that I tended to sweat just a little more (sweat is worthless as far as fat loss goes, but there’s definitely something to the thermogenic properties of the stack).  Needless to say an increase in energy/focus and a decrease in appetite are both very helpful when you are trying to drop body fat.

This was around 1993, and most of the over-the-counter “fat burners” from health food stores were fairly worthless (just like today).  But it didn’t take long for the supplement companies to jump on the bandwagon.  Most of the major supplement brands produced some kind of supplement with ephedra (also called ma huang, the herbal form of ephedrine).  But I always preferred the “home made” version because it seemed to be more potent and reliable.

Then there were a few highly publicized heat stroke deaths that were related to the use of these before-mentioned ephedra supplements.  The FDA banned all of them, even though the research didn’t really back up their actions (caffeine and ephedrine seem to be well tolerated when used properly).1

The 90’s ban didn’t affect ephedrine pills that I had always used for the stack.  But other legal issues have come into play more recently (more on that a little later).

Let me give you a few simple facts about how this supplement works.

The way ECA works:

Ephedrine and caffeine are both central nervous system stimulants.  Combining the two has a synergistic effect.  In other words, the two chemicals work together to produce a greater effect than either one would by itself.2   The results are:

*A decrease in appetite.

*The sparing of muscle tissue.

*Thermogenesis (the creation of heat, which burns additional calories).

The Dosage for the ECA Stack:

The dosage for the stack is 200 mg of caffeine+20 mg of ephedrine. Most ephedrine tablets are 25 mg, so that’s what I’ve always used.

Aspirin is supposed to weaken the body’s natural resistance to the stimulant effects.  But I’ve never noticed much difference with or without aspirin, and people I’ve interacted with on forums say the same thing.  Most of the research done with aspirin was with extremely obese subjects and probably doesn’t apply to those with less fat to lose.  My advice would be to leave it out or to use “baby aspirin” if you insist on taking it (three full-dose aspirins a day are likely to cause gastrointestinal problems).

One other helpful ingredient I should mention is L-Tyrosine.  Adding somewhere between 1-3 grams with each dose may help enhance the appetite suppression of the stack (especially if taken in a fasted state).

This dosage is taken 2-3 times a day (3x max).   The dosages are spread out over 4-6 hours.  I would not advise taking it too late (after 3-4 p.m.) as this is likely to give you insomnia.

Alternative Dosage Strategies

Keep in mind that you may do just fine while taking fewer milligrams than I have described. Example: A half dose (10-12 milligrams of ephedrine and 100 milligrams of caffeine) taken 2-3 times a day may give you plenty of appetite suppression (and the before-mentioned energy boost). Or you may take the standard dosage (20 milligrams of ephedrine with 200 milligrams of caffeine), but only take it twice a day (I’ve used this dosing strategy before). Taking less could even be used as a cost-saving measure, since (as I’m about to mention) ephedrine is becoming more expensive and difficult to obtain.

Where You Can Get/Buy the Components:

As I mentioned, ephedrine used to be very easy to get. But it has gotten more expensive and more difficult to obtain–long gone are the days of grabbing a bottle or two a local convenience store.  A few years back you could buy them online, but I’m not sure if that is possible now.

The cost of ephedrine has skyrocketed worldwide (I’m guessing it has something to do with the meth epidemic, since ephedrine or pseudoephedrine is a key ingredient in the manufacturing of meth).

Here in the USA it seems each state has its own laws: some have no restrictions while buying/selling is completely banned in others (also related to the meth problem). The states I have lived in allow you to buy around 7-9 grams a month–that’s more than enough for you to take the stack.

Anyway, here are the current options I’m aware of:

*You may want to look for Ephedrine HCL tablets at your local drug store. Primatene is one of the most commonly available brands and the one I prefer.

*Another option is Bronkaid.  Bronkaid is Ephedrine Sulfate (not HCL). If I understand things correctly, this formulation is slightly less potent. Bronkaid also includes guaifenesin (an expectorant). Guaifenesin has been paired with ephedrine for a long time in over-the-counter tablets. It has never bothered me, but I would rather avoid taking an extra drug/ingredient if I can.  Anyway, most people seem to get comparable results from Bronkaid when using it in the stack.

Your local laws will determine whether or not you can buy either of these (or any other brand).

One word of caution: I’ve noticed that some of the old brands I used to buy have completely removed ephedrine from their formulas while keeping the brand name.  The new formula is usually just caffeine with some “proprietary blend.”  Read the labels carefully before you buy something online–some companies are using what I consider deceptive marketing practices.

Other Ingredients:

Needless, to say, generic caffeine tablets and aspirin are available anywhere (kind of ironic, considering how much more dangerous aspirin is).

You may be wondering if you can just use coffee as a source of caffeine for the stack. You can, but it’s virtually impossible to know how much caffeine you are getting when you drink coffee. It varies greatly–even when using the same brand/blend. Based on personal experience, caffeine tablets tend to pack a stronger “punch” than using coffee. This is probably due to the precise dosage of caffeine you can get from a tablet.

More Information/FAQ

Will I get lean and ripped just from taking this supplement?

Of course not!  Most of this drug’s effectiveness comes from the fact that it destroys your appetite.  It does help you metabolically, but this is not a “magic bullet.”  If you eat more calories than you use, you won’t lose weight.  All fat loss is ultimately based on a negative calorie balance.

Dangers of the Stack:

Once again I need to remind you of something:  I’m not a doctor, pharmacist or medical profession.  Please talk to your doctor before trying any kind of stimulant.

Needless to say, those with heart problems, thyroid problems, high blood pressure, or those who are pregnant definitely need to stay away from the ECA stack unless your doctor tells you otherwise.  There may be other medical conditions which make it unsafe–I’m just naming a few that come to mind.

I would also advice you not to take the EC stack if you are outside all the time during summer months or in hot environments.  Remember–this is a thermogenic supplement.  I believe the deaths in the 90’s were caused by people taking it and overheating without realizing it.  I would not advise you to take any form of ephedra if you are doing some kind of summer training camp, for example.

Recovering addicts should stay away from the stack as it will reactivate their addiction.

If you want to try this I’d recommend you start off with a half dose (100 mg of caffeine and 10 mg of ephedrine) to see how well you tolerate it.  Individual tolerance to stimulants varies greatly from person to person, so be careful.

How Long Can I Take It?

I usually take it for somewhere between 2-4 months–long enough to help me get through a diet. I may have used it for longer than that, but I can’t really remember (keep in mind we’re talking about 20+ years since I first learned about it).

Here’s what’s interesting: it seems that the effectiveness of the ECA stack actually improves over time.3 The first study I sited followed subjects who were taking it for 26 weeks with no apparent problems (the side effects were described as “minor and transient”).

In other words there’s not really an easy answer for this question.

But that leads to another subject: coming off of the stack.

You can go “cold turkey.” Doing it this way may make you feel lethargic for a few days, especially if you were taking the full dose three times a day. But I’ve done this quite a few times and was able to function without any major problems. The human body can usually withdraw from stimulants pretty quickly (within about 72 hours or so).

Another option is to simply cut the dosage in half for a few days to “wean” yourself off of it. I’ve used this method if I am ready to stop taking it but can’t afford to have a few low energy days.

Either way, I’ve personally never had any trouble adjusting.

Other Uses of the Stack:

I’ve used the ECA stack as a pre-workout supplement due to the before-mentioned energy boost.  Other athletes and bodybuilders have done the same.  Just keep in mind that ephedrine is going to be on the list of banned substances in virtually any type of athletic federation.  You also have to remember that taking it before a late-night training session will result in insomnia (back to the timing thing).


Do NOT take ephedrine or ephedra and yohimbine at the same time.  Do not take any supplement that contains both products.  The problem is ephedra/ephedrine works by stimulating beta-receptor sites, and yohimbine works by suppressing alpha-receptor sites.  Your heart has both types of receptor sites, so taking both compounds at the same time could be very dangerous (increasing blood pressure, etc).   This is one reason I can’t recommend any of the ephedra diet pills I see online–most of them add yohimbine into the mix.

Yohimbine is effective, but you have to know how and when to take it (see: Yohimbine HCL).


No fat loss supplement will “work” unless your diet and exercise plan is in order.  Here are a few guides I can recommend if you want to lose fat.

I think women should consider the Bikini Body Workouts if they are looking for a complete body transformation system.

Men who want to lose fat should probably consider the Hollywood X Workout. 

Older trainees (both men and women) should look into Old School, New Body.


1. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 1993 Feb;17 Suppl 1:S69-72. Safety and efficacy of long-term treatment with ephedrine, caffeine and an ephedrine/caffeine mixture.

2. Metabolism. 1991 Mar;40(3):323-9. Thermogenic synergism between ephedrine and caffeine in healthy volunteers: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study.

3. Am J Clin Nutr. 1985 Jul;42(1):83-94. Enhanced thermogenic responsiveness during chronic ephedrine treatment in man.

4. Safety and efficacy . . .