Vince Gironda: Legend and Myth Review

There’s an e-book out based on the routines and philosophy of a bodybuilding legend.   The book is entitled Vince Gironda: Legend and Myth (by Alan Palmieri).

Vince is probably best known for his 8×8 workout system, but you’ll find several other training programs in the e-book.

I’ve really enjoyed reading through this: I learned just how much of a genius Gironda was when it comes to natural bodybuilding.  Some of the things he said decades ago were later discovered to be true.  Example: Vince believed eggs were one of nature’s most valuable sources of protein and other nutrients–he never bought into the hype about eggs being bad for cardiovascular health.

Here’s another one: Gironda discovered that some of his trainees responded better to a low carb approach to dieting (I thought this was a 90’s thing, but he was ahead of his time).

You’ll also find several training routines in this e-book.  Vince believed in training a muscle about twice a week and avoiding over-training.  He didn’t have much use for the kind of splits advocated in modern-day bodybuilding magazines. Here are a few of the training programs you’ll find:

*Train 21 rest 7

*15 Sets of 4 Reps

*3 Day Maximum Routine


I recommend this e-book.  I think it is a great resource in terms of training information and bodybuilding history.

But keep three things in mind if you decide to buy it:
1.  The book’s content isn’t neatly divided into sections (training, nutrition, etc).  Palmieri explains this in the introduction, but it took a little getting used to as I read it.   The book reads more like a narrative of the author’s conversations and interactions with Vince.

2.  You’ll probably find some things you disagree with.  Vince Gironda was outspoken and had some controversial opinions.  The author leaves it up to you to decide whether or not you agree.  I think you’ll find much of what he says makes perfect sense and is very helpful.  But you don’t have to blindly accept everything in order to benefit.

3. Be sure to choose a training program that is appropriate for your level of fitness.  Many of the routines I saw were designed for those who’ve already been training for a year or more (it’s clearly stated in the e-book).  Don’t try one of these if you are still a beginner.

Just click here to check out this product.  Please use my links if this review has helped you–you’ll be supporting and honest voice in the fitness industry.  Note: below is a coupon code (GIRONDA20) you can use for a discount (while the offer lasts).


Deloading for Long-Term Gains


I think I’ve mentioned one of the greatest mistakes I used to make in the gym: training heavy all the time without varying my routine. One way to avoid this mistake (and over-training) is a training technique called deloading.

Deloading is pretty simple: you just train at a lower intensity every once in a while.

Before I go into more detail, let me tell you some benefits of doing this:

1. You allow your central nervous system (CNS) to recover. The CNS just gets “burned out” on heavy lifting. A light week allows it to rest (see also: strength training and neurology).

2. Injury prevention: A light week gives your muscles, joints, and ligaments some rest from heavy lifting.

3. Psychological boost: deloading gives you a mental break as well as a physical one. A week of relatively easy training gets you mentally primed to hit it hard the next week.

4. Strength peaking: a lot of powerlifters use deloading as part of their peaking cycles—building up to maximum effort lifts (see periodization and strength).

How often should you deload?

I’ve seen different opinions on this, usually varying between 4-8 weeks. It would depend on how heavy you train and how advanced you are.

Here’s a good rule of thumb: the more advanced you are in training, the more often you should consider deloading.  A beginner trainee still isn’t lifting very heavy and could probably deload every couple of months.   But advanced lifters will probably need to do it every 4-6 weeks.  Older lifters (let’s say 35 and up) may even want to consider taking a complete break from training every fourth or fifth week (sounds crazy, but I know of some really experienced trainers who recommend this).   Advanced lifters are training harder and heavier and need to give their bodies a break more often.

How to deload:

I’ve seen several sample workouts, but let me tell you the simplest way to start: just reduce the weight you use–you could train with about 40-60% of your one rep max (instead of 70-80%).  You can also reduce the training volume by a few sets.

What I do sometimes is reduce the weight (as mentioned) and go for a slightly higher rep range.

Other times I just take the week off.  I have found that life tends to throw an especially busy week at me every once in a while and I sometimes I just skip the gym altogether.  I often go into the gym with renewed energy and focus after one of these weeks of rest.

Try incorporating this planned rest into your routines—I bet you’ll get bigger and stronger in the long run.  Speaking of which, check out my recommended workout programs if you need some help designing your routine.