Donkey Calf Raise

The donkey calf raise has been a favorite of bodybuilders for training the lower legs.  I think I first learned about this one while reading Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Encyclopedia to Modern Bodybuilding.   He described starting with a couple of training partners on his back, then doing reps until failure.  One of his partners would then step off so he could continue doing reps with a less weight (just one bodybuilder as resistance)

Arnold Training Calves
Arnold doing donkey calf raises.

I used to do this one the old-school way as well.  A buddy at one of the first places I trained (a college gym) was about 6’3” and weighed over 270 lb.  The gym had a half wall that was perfect to lean on and we had a wooden block that was the right height for placing your feet/toes.  A good set of donkey calf raises with my large friend as weight made for an intense workout.

Despite the novel appeal of training this way, I don’t think using a partner’s body weight is the best way.  The main problem is in the leverage: a second lifter’s weight is not directly lined up over the muscles you want to train.  You’d probably do just as well to use a leg press, where you can load up as much weight as needed and still get the same stretch.  Another option would be to use a machine specifically designed for this exercise (I’ve used one before).  Using equipment may also avoid some awkward stares from other gym members wondering what you are doing.

Remember a couple of things with this or any other calf exercise:

1. Always pause at the bottom.  If you bounce  your Achilles tendon will absorb a significant part of the weight and keep you from getting the maximum stimulus.

2. Calves require lots of volume and you will probably be surprised by the amount of weight they can handle.  You may want to hit them with lower reps one workout (5-8), then higher reps the next time around (15-30).


Squat Workout

I don’t think I need to explain why the squat is the king of leg exercises.  I’ll share a couple of my favorite squat workouts.

Squat: Because somewhere out there, a girl is warming up with your max.


Option #1 squat followed by single leg work:

1.  Warm up, then work up to your heaviest set of 5-8 repetitions.  You should be able to complete this set with good form–no need to go to failure or start compromising form.

2. After resting do a set with 90% of the weight you used in the previous set.  This will be your last set on squats (see also: 5×5 workouts).

You could start with sets of 8 reps on your first week, then work up to heavier weights and lower reps over the next few weeks.  This is a periodization strategy that is described in more detail in Minimalist Training.

Next you’ll go into single leg training.  Do 3-4 sets with a slightly higher rep range–10-15 reps.  Here are a few options or your single leg training:

*Leg press using only one leg.  Some of you squat purists may bash the leg press.  But I’ll remind you that I learned about this use of the leg press from legendary powerlifter Ed Coan.  Remember to bend your knee until your leg is at a 90 degree angle, but don’t go any lower.

*Step up with a barbell or dumbbells.  As the name implies, you step up with the added resistance of weights.  The height of the step can vary, but make sure whatever you use is stable enough to support your weight.

This workout is fairly basic and could be done by new trainees.

Option #2 squat only with a high repetition component:

1. Warm up first, then work up to your heaviest set of five reps (you would be resting in between sets).  You don’t want to go to failure, but work up to your heaviest set you can complete with good form.

2. You’ll do one more set of five reps after the heaviest set–this time with about 90% of the weight you used in the previous set.

3. Now it’s time to go for some higher reps.  Drop down to a weight you can do for about fifteen repetitions.  This will be a pretty significant reduction from your previous set (rest after this set, just as you did with the others).

4.  One final higher rep set.  Lower the weight again and shoot for about 20-30 reps.  You’ll be doing relatively light weights.

These higher reps can be helpful for leg training because legs tend to have a wider range of muscle fiber types, some of which respond better to high rep training.  But most of your work would still be in the standard rep range.  I usually can’t do any more direct thigh training after this workout.

I would not recommend this second workout for beginners–it’s more of an intermediate/advanced routine.

Hope you’ll find this workout helpful.